About Us

About Us

A Trendy Doors for
Trendy Home

APAI Marketing International Corp. was established in year 2010 as informal marketing firm which served the residential market for premium Aluminum windows and doors in the Philippines.

In 2013, APAI was formally incorporated with the view of continuing its thrust to serve private residential homes and estates for the upscale market. APAI continues to incorporate new ideas and designs in its Aluminum Window and Door line that makes its products not only distinct in aesthetic value but in its technical function and adaptability to local conditions as well.

What we do

Our company aims to bring your design to reality

Year 2021 APAI Marketing was re-branded to APAI Partners International Corporation by merging the two companies, siMon and APAI Marketing International Corporation. As addition to its marketing firm FINO ALUMINUM INTERNATIONAL was started September of 2023
APAI takes this philosophy in its entire endeavor’s. As an added convenience to both the owner and architect upon solicitation, the APAI technical team may endeavor appraising the project and henceforth propose practical solutions on design and value engineering that would cause the project to deliver cost effective doors and windows.